PIC®337: Heavyweight Champ
The PIC®337 is known for maximizing profitability throughout the pork chain. The PIC®337 delivers exceptional performance both on the farm and at the plant, through:
- Superior feed conversion
- Excellent heavy weight performance
- Lean gain efficiency
- Value carcasses
- Excellent meat quality
The PIC®337’s world-class feed conversion coupled with outstanding performance at heavier weights increases profit for producers. In addition, exciting recent advances in genetic improvement are already visible in PIC Elite Farms (genetic nucleus farms).
Accelerating Genetic Improvement
Expansion in elite sow populations allows for increased selection intensity for traits impacting profitability.
1 Vertical axis is normalized to zero average for last 2 years.
PIC®337 outperforms in the Philippines across environments
PIC®337-sired market hog close outs

PIC 2021 Full year benchmarking results
** 2021 Phil. Swine Production Performance

PIC 2021 Full year benchmarking results
Philippine industry average for wean-to-finish feed efficiency not available
Heavier pigs bring more income even with “discounts”!

PIC®337 brings strength beyond production
Superior carcass value

Excellent primal yield